Right-click disabler

April 10, 2011


The adventures of the Weekenders continued with a trip down to KLCC, thanks to Fariz for invinting me and Cikin as his err, companions for the day haha! Anyway, we started our adventure for the day with lunch at the San Francisco Steak House. This is the first time for me and Cikin to eat at a place like that so we were quite shy at first. There were lots of food served for us including salad which we didn't touch at all cos we both don't eat veggies. Not that I don't like to eat them, but if I were given a choice between to eat or not to eat, I would prefer not to eat. However, if the veggies are already on my plate, I would finish them without hesitation if I feel like it haha!

And then, there were some small pieces of chicken dipped in a little bit of sauce, oh yeah. That was good. Also the grilled beef (probably, I can only remember it was beef haha!). The gravy was yummy! Really enjoyed that one. Hence, explaining why I still managed to shove some more down my throat. I felt a little embarrassed when I saw that we were the only group left there, still eating all the food. But then, Fariz was still busy eating so it didn't feel so bad haha! So people, if you want to bring someone to a buffet, I'm your man (or girl) haha!

Next, after filling up the tummy, we watched an orchestra. I've always watched my sister playing the piano and even though she's not an expert, I still enjoyed listening to it. I was flabbergasted watching the show, especially the Typewriter one. There was this guy in the F1 driver's suit claiming he is Schumi who tapped the typewriter in harmony. I was in awe at that time. But there were also vacuum cleaners among the instruments, but I wasn't impressed much by that. But that typewriter sounded really, really nice.

A snap as always :p

Once again, thanks to Fariz for saving my weekend from sitting at home again this week due to me being so skint for the second weekend in a row haha!

Next week, even better! Stay tuned~

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