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April 24, 2012

Maroon 7 Little Reunion

I saw Annys' tweet asking for anyone to hang out with her. So I told her I could go if she wants to hang after work. She said it's better to go on Friday night in that case. And so, we agreed on meeting on Friday but we hadn't decided on the date yet. Then I noticed, her birthday was on Saturday. So if I were to bring the other Maroon girls as a surprise, it would be nice. So I sent an FB message to the other girls. So after some discussions with the girls, I got back to Annys for the date for us to meet up.

Initially, two of them could join us. But Jijah had gastric and she couldn't make it to the reunion. So I waited for Azim at the LRT station cos the area is very unfamiliar to her. We were supposed to meet at 8 but since Azim had some work to do, she got off the train quite late. Annys came on time that I had to stall her by saying that I had some work to finish off first but as always, that was a lie :))

I thought, before Annys screamed when she saw I was not alone, better to put her on alert. So I sent a text to her saying 'surprise!'. She was quite puzzled at first cos she didn't see me. And I didn't think of asking her what her plate number is before meeting HAHAH so I was a bit lost in the rain. Luckily, she saw us and off we went to Murni.

It was a birthday celebration and that was the first time I met Azim after we finished off our journey in matriculation. So I had the bills on me that day :D We had a little chat, and called the others to confirm whether they are still using the number or not and just to make them jealous HAHAH the girls wanted to go on a holiday together before Jijah ties the knot this June. I'm not sure of that hmmm


On 15th April, I invited my relatives and besties to our house for a little feast. Not that I have anything to celebrate, just for fun :D My aunts asked me why didn't I throw this feast in May for my birthday? I told them it is weird if you're paying for your own birthday party; feel like a loser :p They teased me by saying I was going to celebrate for a new boyfriend HAHAH last time I checked, I'm still dateless at this age :p

Mak cooked the main course while I was busy with the desserts. I started before Mak, but I finished later than her. Oh yes, I even forgot to take out the last batch of cream puff from the oven. I only remembered them when I was going to turn on the oven a week later =__=

I think what I said to my mom has backfired to me; more like jinxed myself. I said to her that she likes to feed people. So everytime she brings food to school, she will say, 'yes, I like to feed people'. On one evening, while I was busy cooking, she said to me, 'I see you are becoming like me. You like to feed people'. I replied, 'Food is for eating. What else is it for?' *yeah, I'm good at diverting accusations*